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Tying my shoes

August 23rd, 2014. (6 years, 2 months old.) by ben

Now that soccer has started and since my cleats have laces, Mommy said I have to learn to tie my shoes.  The good news is that she said she would teach me.  She said it would take 100 times before it got easier, and the first 20 would be the hardest.

So we counted them.

Well, I made it to 100 and it DOES get easier. Yay!

3 Responses to “Tying my shoes”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa

    Way to go Ben! In most physical things it takes practice to get them right. I’m glad you, with the help of your mom, took the time to learn how to tie your shoes. It is something you will need the rest of your life.

  2. comment number 2 by: GREAT Aunt Chris

    Very impressive!

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara Scherba

    Ben, you have a great mom who knows how to take advantage of the teaching moment. And you, Ben, love to learn new things. A great combination!