Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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First Soccer Game

September 7th, 2014. (6 years, 3 months old.) by ben

I played my first soccer game yesterday!  My team is the Revolution and I’m playing full-back.

When you play full-back you get to throw the ball in after it goes out.

And my biggest fan came to see me!  He was happy to have some halftime snacks, too.

2 Responses to “First Soccer Game”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa

    Ben, congrats on your first soccer game. I see you have your shoes tied on real well! It looks like your uniform will fit you for a couple of years as you need to do some growing to fit into it. Fullback is a good position, your dad was always a defensive player not matter where he played. He was a star midfielder though. Keep up the good work.

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara Scherba

    HI Ben, what fun for us to see you suited up and playing soccer! From what your Granpa just said, I can see that you come from a soccer family and that your dad was a very good player. Dad will give you lots of tips on how to play, so be a good listener to him. BUT YOUR MOM was a real good offensive player—she could outrun and out smart just about any other player on the other team. She has a winner’s attitude—get it before the other one does! I will try to remember to bring a picture of your mom in her soccer uniform when we come to visit.