Eye Doc Visit
March 1st, 2015. (2 years, 1 month old.) by andrewI went see the eye doctor, and it was terrible! He put drops in my eyes so I couldn’t see very well, and then kept putting things right in my face! All I wanted to do was go home.
Mommy and I finally went home and everything was OK. But the doctor did say that I have Strabismus, so I’m going to be getting glasses to wear to help make my eyes see better.
I guess this is just part of growing up. Sigh.
Andrew, I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting your eyes to work together. It’s a good thing that M&D found out what is happening and are getting you help to correct the problem. Maybe you will have to wear a patch over your eye like a Pirate! Good luck in getting well and I hope things are back to normally soon. Love Granpa
Andrew, Maybe you got this from Great Grandfather Jim. I’m sure you will look very intellectual with your glasses.
Andy-roo, what a surprise to hear about your new glasses! Aren’t you lucky to have them at such a young age, because they will help you to see better and move better. No more falling on your face, though! Love, Ma