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Morning Read…

April 6th, 2015. (2 years, 2 months old.) by andrew

Yawn!  Out of bed and ready for my 1st book of the day!  Looks like Cars and Trucks and Things That Go!

M&D let me look at a book before breakfast.  Well, I kind of insist on it.

2 Responses to “Morning Read…”

  1. comment number 1 by: Granpa

    And here I thought Ben was going to be the studious one. Go Andrew! Love those books and all they can teach you.

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara Scherba

    Andy-roo, you are following in your brother’s footsteps. He has been a good model for you in learning how to enjoy books. Pretty soon you will be reading to all of us! Love, Ma