Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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March 14th, 2009. (9 months, 1 week old.) by ben
The other day, the rain stopped long enough that I got to go outside and watch Mommy plant some potatoes in the garden.  Oh, and I got to inspect the gravel.  Very closely.  There’s some high quality gravel rocks here, I tell you.  And I looked at LOTS of them!
Ben in the garden inspecting rocks

Ben in the garden inspecting rocks

Despite the fact that these rocks look just like some of the blueberries I’ve been eating lately, M&D got much more excited when I tried to eat them.  And they didn’t even taste good!  I guess they’re not that high quality.

One Response to “Dirt”

  1. comment number 1 by: Don Stark

    I’m glad to see that you and Jen are enlightened enough to realize that a boy needs to have his time in the dirt and gravel. Part of growing up as a boy is getting mud on your pants and shoes.