Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Climbing Stairs

March 30th, 2009. (9 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

I’m learning to climb stairs these days.  And I have to do it on the front steps so that I can show off my cool Hawaiian duds to all the neighbors! (Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Scherba!)  What with all this practice, I’ll be ready to climb stairs in Hawaii (Mommy?  Daddy?).


One Response to “Climbing Stairs”

  1. comment number 1 by: Don Stark

    Wow, stairclimbing while holding a ball, that’s pretty advanced for an almost 10 month old. Ben is really figuring out what his arms and legs are for. It won’t be long before he is playing catch with dad in the back yard.