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Playing In & Out

April 10th, 2009. (10 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Lately, I’ve been learning how to put my toys in the bag, and take them out again.  This is hard work, as you can see here:


But when I’m all done, I get lots of appreciation from M&D.  Yay!


3 Responses to “Playing In & Out”

  1. comment number 1 by: Don Stark

    Is it really correct to be teaching a young man to fill up a Coldwater Creek shopping bag?? Where are the Tonka trucks and the tool bench with pegs and hammer?? Ben is awful cute though. He is probably too young to realize he is wonder out of his male stereotype.

  2. comment number 2 by: Wil

    Well, I’m sure his grandfather can ensure that for his first birthday, he ends up with appropriate gear to play with! And wouldn’t it be setting a good example if grandpa filled up a Coldwater Creek bag with massage gift certificates for Nana? :-)

  3. comment number 3 by: Norma

    He needs to learn how to shop for mommy!!
    Women love guys that love to shop!!