Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Walkin’ the Walk(er)

April 20th, 2009. (10 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Here I’m showing off my walk(er)ing ability.

Pretty soon, I’ll even be able to turn it by myself!  With my newfound speed and mobility, I’ll finally be able to catch Atlas!

3 Responses to “Walkin’ the Walk(er)”

  1. comment number 1 by: Mommy

    Look at him go!

  2. comment number 2 by: Don Stark

    Another great milestone for Ben. When he does finally let go of the walker and peoples hands, and starts walking on his own, his legs will be in excellent shape. But, M & D will have to watch him very carelfully because he moves very fast! Then, part of his neighborhood walks will have to include walking on his own. It’s my guess that Ben got this walking trait from Jen!

  3. comment number 3 by: Don Stark

    This is from Nanna Elaine. Ben looks so cute with the walker. He is going at a really fast pace and soon will be all over your house. He is making great progress. Go Ben!!!