Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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My First Porsche

April 30th, 2009. (10 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

Here she is!  Isn’t she a beaut?  All shiny and complete with a trunk that goes up and down and headlights that go in and out when she rolls on down the road!


(Thanks Great Aunt Carol and Great Uncle John!)

Oh, and just in case you wanted to see a picture of me, here’s one of my latest sleeping jaunts…


3 Responses to “My First Porsche”

  1. comment number 1 by: Wil

    Ben, does “First Porsche” imply that there will be a 2nd?

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara

    Hi Ben! You know, sleeping in that position reminds me of how your mom used to sleep, only she managed to get her legs through the rails on the crib! She was a good sleeper, too!

  3. comment number 3 by: Barbara

    Oh, and by the way, I am not sure that that car is really a Porsche—-hmm, looks a lot like a MiniCooper to me—but who am I to know? I like the colors, though!