Driving Trucks
August 27th, 2009. (14 months, 3 weeks old.) by benLately, I’ve been discovering that you can drive trucks and tractors all over the house! And all over just about everything in the house!
Here I am experimenting with tunnel driving. Oh, and the driving works better when you make a good “grrrrrrr” or “vrrrrrrr” noise.
(Ed. Note: We’re told that the next stage in truck driving is truck smashing, as in two trucks in a head-on collision! When it happens, you’ll see it here first!)
I guess it is obvious that Mr. Ben has some Stark DNA in him. He likes vehicles and even knows that they make neat noises at his tender age. I can see a gokart or some type of vehicle in his future. I’m sure that he and Grandpa are going to get some great bonding time as he grows up.
You have got to love that hair! What a knockout kid!