Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Fashion Faux Pa

September 4th, 2009. (15 months old.) by ben

As you can imagine, this disaster:


…was perpetrated by Daddy, who probably shouldn’t be allowed to dress himself, much less somebody else.  Dad!  Don’t you know that you can’t wear stripes with plaid?!  They’re never going to let me into kindergarten now!

4 Responses to “Fashion Faux Pa”

  1. comment number 1 by: Don Stark

    Yeah Dad, what’s the deal? I guess at times there are just so many outfits in the clean clothes drawers. Hopefully this won’t permanently damage Ben’s fashion sense!

  2. comment number 2 by: Barbara

    Hey, guys, don’t you know that ANY combination of whatever you have is OK these days? In fact, the more “out there” the better! What I can’t believe is that Ben has almost outgrown the clothes he got on his birthday, and they are 18 month sizes! Holy, moly—he will be size 12 shoes before first grade. . .

  3. comment number 3 by: Mike Grady

    Shows you what I know. You look fine to me Ben.

  4. comment number 4 by: Wil

    Thanks, Mike. I feel vindicated!