Just plain silly
March 3rd, 2014. (5 years, 9 months old.) by benDon’t I look cool? Yeah!
I insisted that Daddy take my picture and put it on the blog.
(Ed. Note: … to the delight of future girlfriends, no doubt…)
Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 1 week, 3 days old.
Andrew is 11 years, 11 months, 4 weeks, 2 days old.
Don’t I look cool? Yeah!
I insisted that Daddy take my picture and put it on the blog.
(Ed. Note: … to the delight of future girlfriends, no doubt…)
I’m using my chompers more and more to eat food off of M&D’s plate. Yum.
(Ed. Note: Apologies for the lateness of this post. See previous post for an explanation of where the time has gone…)
Here I go!
It was nice of Daddy to provide the soundtrack for my walking. I wasn’t thinking about falling down while I was listening to the music!
(Ed. Note, somewhat reminiscent of this video…)
Now that I’ve figured out how to take apart the toilet (Ed. Note: observe part placed on toilet lid…), it’s time to figure out what this shiny handle does…
M&D keep the most interesting stuff in drawers! And I’m getting tall enough to reach them. Yay!
What’s that you say? Not Yay!?
Why do you look so distraught, Daddy?
(Ed Note: Sigh. They grow up so fast…)
I had a basketball game today. It was a great game, but near the end I got a cramp and sat out the rest of the game!
Daddy says that eating three big bowls of breakfast cereal before the game might have had something to do with it. I guess everyone has to learn about these things sometime!
We made Chinese New Year lanterns at school out of red and yellow paper.
Daddy put a light in mine when I showed it to him later at home. Isn’t it pretty?
When I practice walking, I like to have my Alligator with me.
It’s just more fun this way!
I found out that M&D (and Ben!) were holding out on me. There’s this big drawer of interesting treasures in the bathroom.
Just look at this box. It’s amaaaaazing! And there’s lots more stuff just like it!
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