Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)

Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 4 days old.

Andrew is 12 years, 1 week old.


Shower cleaning

September 30th, 2009. (15 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

M&D let me help with all the chores around the house, like loading the washing machine, vacuuming, and now: squeegeeing the shower!  Water: now you see it, and now you don’t.  Presto!



September 27th, 2009. (15 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Now I’m upgrading from the dustbuster to the real mains powered floor cleaning machine!

This patch of floor is now the cleanest in the whole house!

(Ed. Note: Next on the list to teach Ben is how to cover more then just 3 square feet with the vacuum!)

Morning Paper, part 2

September 27th, 2009. (15 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Daddy was holding out on me.  Turns out that reading about all the gadgets in the technology section is way better than the sports section.


(Ed. Note: Yeah, well, sometimes others of us like to read an unwrinkled tech section…)

Career Option: Bartender

September 23rd, 2009. (15 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Check out the video!

I think I’m a shoe in for a job on a nice tropical island!

USS Rubbermaid

September 18th, 2009. (15 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Check out my aircraft carrier!  It has a complement of 1 airplane and 1 helicopter and is currently stationed just south of the kitchen table.  Mommy has dubbed it the “USS Rubbermaid”  All I know is that it is lots of fun!



Pillow Surfing

September 15th, 2009. (15 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

The other day, I got all dressed up in my surfer shorts and surfer watch, and practiced pillow surfing in the bedroom.  Of course, there’s not much water, and the only curls in sight are attached to my head!  Hey, you have to start somewhere!


Cowabunga! Wipe Out!


September 12th, 2009. (15 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Here’s my first serious attempt at art.   I chose to create this work mostly at the suggestion of Jessica, my caregiver at BCC.

I’m titling this work: Crayons on Paper at BCC, Abstract #1.


Crayons on Paper at BCC #1. Media: crayon on paper.

In case it is not obvious, the yellow symbolizes my delight at exploring my new world at BCC.  The purple represents the conflict I have between enjoying my time at BCC vs. my displeasure at not getting to see M&D as much during the week.  Finally, orange and blue are the colors of the truck I was playing with.  I have to say that I enjoyed getting in touch with my inner artist while creating this piece, and I look forward to creating more works in the future!

Morning Paper

September 9th, 2009. (15 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Every morning, I sit with Daddy and have breakfast.  He reads the paper while he eats and he is nice enough to give me a section to enjoy, too.


On this particular day, I was reading about “baseball”, which Daddy says I’ll get to play some day.

Fashion Faux Pa

September 4th, 2009. (15 months old.) by ben

As you can imagine, this disaster:


…was perpetrated by Daddy, who probably shouldn’t be allowed to dress himself, much less somebody else.  Dad!  Don’t you know that you can’t wear stripes with plaid?!  They’re never going to let me into kindergarten now!

Picnic Bubbles

September 1st, 2009. (15 months old.) by ben

Recently at the SR Mother’s club picnic, I got to try my hand at the bubble tub.


Here you can see me demonstrating a technique called “two fisting”, for optimal bubble production.

One thing I learned at the picnic: Not to get bubble soap in your eyes!  Ouch!

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