Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)

Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 5 days old.

Andrew is 12 years, 1 week, 1 day old.



March 14th, 2009. (9 months, 1 week old.) by ben
The other day, the rain stopped long enough that I got to go outside and watch Mommy plant some potatoes in the garden.  Oh, and I got to inspect the gravel.  Very closely.  There’s some high quality gravel rocks here, I tell you.  And I looked at LOTS of them!
Ben in the garden inspecting rocks

Ben in the garden inspecting rocks

Despite the fact that these rocks look just like some of the blueberries I’ve been eating lately, M&D got much more excited when I tried to eat them.  And they didn’t even taste good!  I guess they’re not that high quality.

Almost Walking…

March 12th, 2009. (9 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Every day I practice walking.  M&D (and many visitors) are kind enough to lend me a hand to practice.

Here, I’m practicing in my jammies right before bed.  As you can see, I still like to hold on with one hand, but sometimes I go a few steps without holding on!  This makes for somewhat exciting landings sometimes, but I know I’ll get the bugs worked out soon!

Ben standing in pajamas.

Ben standing in pajamas.

Piano with Grandma

March 10th, 2009. (9 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Grandma came up for a visit and she gave me a lesson at the piano – on the very same piano that she gave lessons on all those years!


My first learning was that it is a lot harder to play when you can’t see the keys!

Grandma and I also had a great time walking around the house.  She’s a real sport!  I can’t wait ’till I get to see her again!

Shower Bath

March 5th, 2009. (9 months old.) by ben

M&D have decided that the easiest way to get me clean and entertain me at the same time is the “shower bath”.


M&D have resurrected my blue bath tub and placed it in the shower so that I can sit in the water – and have spraying water to play with!  Cool!


March 2nd, 2009. (9 months old.) by ben

Lately M&D and I have been having rambunctious play time for the last hour or so before bedtime.  I love walking back and forth between M & D and laughing and smiling.


The other night, Daddy was being really silly… he was trying to take my picture instead of playing with me!  Silly Daddy!  I had to give him a big smile so he would put his camera down and play with me some more!

Story Time

February 28th, 2009. (8 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Daddy & I read stories every night before bed.  I always look forward to story time, but I don’t always look forward to going to bed afterward!


I’m very good at turning the pages now when Daddy stops reading.  Pretty smart, eh?

Washing Machine Inspector

February 26th, 2009. (8 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Now that I’m getting around more (still with M&D’s help), I can finally start inspecting this place.

Today, I decided to make sure that that washing machine was in tip-top shape.  And as you can see, I’m the perfect size for the job.

Looks good to me!

(Ed. Note: Looks like Ben in those overalls might even be dressed as the repair man should the inspection fail!)

Pulling Up

February 24th, 2009. (8 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Daddy managed to catch me pulling myself up on the toy basket.  He and Mommy got really excited for some reason.  Anyway, M&D wanted me to share this video with you all, even though it doesn’t actually show me pulling myself up.

Petriches Everywhere!

February 22nd, 2009. (8 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Great Aunts Danee and Carole, and Great Uncles Tom and John (boy, is that a mouthful!) came to visit me (& M&D, so I’m told).  We had a nice visit and dinner!

Come back soon!


February 20th, 2009. (8 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

I present: “The Amazing Levitating Puff Trick”

Watch as I keep this tasty morsel suspended in front of my mouth, with no hands in sight, and nothing up my sleeves!  Behold!  And be Amazed!

Can you just hear me saying, “Ta Daaaaaa!!”

This trick was followed shortly by the “Disappearing Puff Trick”, but you’ve probably seen that one already…

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