Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)

Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 6 days old.

Andrew is 12 years, 1 week, 2 days old.


Holding the milk in

September 8th, 2008. (3 months, 1 week old.) by ben

I’m getting to the bottom of the bottle and I have to make sure the milk doesn’t come out my ears!  I’ve heard this can happen when you’re taking 4.5 ounces from the bottle!

Hear no Evil

(Ed. Note: This picture might also be captioned: “What’s that you say?  The bottle’s empty?  I can’t heeeaaar yoooouuuu!”)

Bless Me!

September 6th, 2008. (3 months old.) by ben

Still getting used to this sneezing thing.  I lose control of my face muscles every time – oh – but I guess I didn’t really have much control over those yet anyway.  Hey, when are humans going to evolve away from the need for this?

Ben Sneezing

My new cousin has arrived!

September 4th, 2008. (3 months old.) by ben

UPDATE: More pictures on Uncle John’s blog here.

I’m proud to announce that Avery Elizabeth Lynch arrived last night – 7lbs, 8oz., 21 inches.  I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of her and meeting her!  Congratulations Uncle John and Aunt Heather!

(Ed. Note – Thanks to Grandma for the pictures!)

Tai chi

September 3rd, 2008. (3 months old.) by ben

Not satisfied with basic standing anymore…

… I’m moving up to Tai chi.  How many kids have Tai chi’d before they crawl?

Sitting practice.

September 2nd, 2008. (3 months old.) by ben

Here I am practicing my sitting technique and enjoying some puppet theater put on by Mommy.

What a comfy and supportive seat!  (Ed. Note: Thanks to Ben & Allison for the Bumbo seat!)

Michigan! Oh, and more grandparents…

September 1st, 2008. (3 months old.) by ben

Grandpa and I bonded watching the Michigan game on Saturday.  Unfortunately, Michigan lost.  Can you tell who is the bigger fan (and more upset about it) from the picture? (Thanks for the shirt Grandpa and Grandma!)

Grandma got introduced to my tummy time / standing routine.  We had a great time!

We went down to the Village Market for brunch on Sunday.  I thought it would be fun if Daddy carried me, so I cried from the stroller until he did.  Turns out the view is much better from up here!

Look Ma – hands!

August 31st, 2008. (2 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

Or if WordPress would let me say this in the title: Look Ma – no hands!

I can’t say that I’ll be able to repeat this feat anytime soon, but I’d say this is pretty impressive on the eve of my 3-month birthday!

Stark Grandparents Visit

August 30th, 2008. (2 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

Grandpa and Nana decided it was time to come up for a visit, so they came by this last Tuesday to see me.

We had a great time getting to know each other.  Having already met Grandpa on my birthday, I’m already warmed up to doing my best 3-month baby cute look for Grandpa.

And this shot was taken when I was still just getting to know Nana.

It wasn’t long before we moved on to one of my favorite activities – standing practice!  (Is the genetic origin of my eyebrows apparent in this picture?)

I definitely enjoyed being the center of attention:

We walked down to the Village Market for dinner.  This picture shows my future as a Stark male, and what I’m going to look like when I’m 33 and then 61 years old.  My shirts will get greener, my hair will get longer, my hats will get bigger, and at some point I’ll get blue and white New Balance tennis shoes.  Well, I guess its better to know than not, eh?

Poop Watch!

August 28th, 2008. (2 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

I’m literally relieved to report that on the 9th day, I finally gave way to the prune juice onslaught, filling a healthy sized #3 diaper with #2.  Thanks for the concern of all those out there.  And your welcome for me not posting a picture with this entry.

Do Over

August 25th, 2008. (2 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

You know how sometimes the picture gets taken at just the wrong time?  I think must be what happened here.

Where’s the picture right after this of me smiling happily?  Ummm… I think it got lost.

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