Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)

Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 3 weeks old.

Andrew is 12 years, 1 week, 3 days old.


Maine Man

August 24th, 2008. (2 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

That’s right, I’m the Maine Man.  Thanks to Liz for this great outfit that describes my role in the family to a T (shirt).

Daddy’s doing an admirable job of trying to look like me in this shot.  Let’s see Dad – you just need to lose the hair (and eyebrows), shave a little closer, lose the teeth, and oh, drop about 184 lbs.  And puff out those cheeks a little more.  Good!

Björn Again

August 23rd, 2008. (2 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

The “batteries have run flat” (as Jonathan would say) in the Baby Björn…

I like to think that the Björn is my passport to adventure, but my parents think it is my ticket to sleep.  Hmmph.

Ben Smiling – on Video!

August 21st, 2008. (2 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Lately I’ve been putting my new smiling skills to work banking goodwill with the ‘rents. They seem pretty happy about it.

Check it out!

If you can’t play the video in your web browser for some reason, click here to download it to your computer so you can play it.

Patting a Thousand

August 15th, 2008. (2 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

During Uncle John’s visit to ‘Daddy Boot Camp’, he went 2 for 2 on burping, earning a 1.000 average.  Of course, I might have been going a bit easy on him ’cause, well, he’s new and all.

Extra points to my photographer for the mirror shot!

Daddy Boot Camp, a.k.a. Visit from Uncle John

August 15th, 2008. (2 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Uncle John came up to meet me and get some crash Daddy training before my new baby cousin arrives next month.

After introductions…

… I think we hit it off pretty well, though I was a little surprised to be seeing Mommy AND Daddy looking over the shoulder of… who is this guy again?  Oh yeah, Uncle John!

In addition to burping, Daddy Boot Camp provided Uncle John with training in diaper changing, stroller pushing, and all around baby handling, all crammed into a 19 hour visit.

It was great to meet you Uncle John!  Thanks for making the time to come up and visit me!

News Flash! Cute Baby Sleeps Peacefully!

August 14th, 2008. (2 months, 1 week old.) by ben

I’m not sure how many more blog titles I can come up with for pictures of me sleeping.  I’ll have to either keep trying, or start doing some more interesting things!

Where’s Benjamin?

August 13th, 2008. (2 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Can you find the Benjamin amongst all the flowers, giraffes, lions, elephants, planes, and helicopters?

Tummy Time with Daddy!

August 12th, 2008. (2 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Sometimes, the parents just insist on this “tummy time” thing.  I guess I don’t mind that much.

Sitting up!

August 11th, 2008. (2 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Are you as surprised as I am that I’m sitting up?  And I’m only 10 weeks old!

Mommy has started introducing me to sitting up on my own, but I’m still not very good at it.  Without help at critical moments, I end up sliding down or falling over.  What’s next, Mom, college applications?

Cleanup on aisle 5…

August 10th, 2008. (2 months, 1 week old.) by ben

After the strife testing, the cleanup crew apparently decided to bring in the heavy guns to take care of the mess.  I can’t say I blame them.

Actually, I kind of like the shower with Daddy.  The water is warm and I don’t feel so out of place like I’m the only chubby one.  (Ed. Note: Hey!  I’m not the one who’s nearly doubled his weight in 10 weeks!) And as you can see, only ONE of us has a farmer’s tan. 😉  (Got me there…)

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