Here I am, once again making my contribution to the world of fashion.
Today’s tots yearn for simple lines and bold colors, but with a tie back to their parents’ and heritage. Thus, I present the amazing featherless feather boa!
Bold, masculine colors, yet soft feminine curves! Austere, but cute!
No child should be without this must-have go-anywhere accessory!
I heard that Grandpa is coming to visit and to race his car. I thought I could show him a thing or two as I’ve been practicing for the last month. Check out these qualifying laps!
(Ed. Note: Perhaps Ben is showing Grandpa a thing or two not to do!)
April 15th, 2009. (10 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben
I’m thinking of starting a self help series for other kids. To that end, I’ve developed some sample curricula to beta test the idea. This lesson is a mid-level lesson on “Pulling Up”.
Try it out, and tell me what you think!
Step 1: Get up on your knees, and look around to see if this is your best option for pulling up.
Step 2: If you locate a better option, get down and start making your way for it immediately. The best options are Mommies and Daddies, and they’re mobile, so move quickly!
Notice that I maintain eye contact in order to “stun” my target and keep them from moving away while I’m approaching.
Step 3: Final Approach. This is the part where you give your victim target one last look to assess good grab-on points. Also, it is good to ensure that your target is not moving, or you could be in for a bumpy ride.
Step 4: Pull Up! Grab, pull, and step. Making entertaining buzzing noises earns you bonus points!
Step 5: Smile! This step is often overlooked by amateurs, but I’ve found that it pays back over the long term by helping you to acquire Mommy and Daddy targets in the future.
February 10th, 2009. (8 months, 1 week old.) by ben
Boy did I have a good time today! Not only was Daddy home from work today, but Mommy did a great job of capturing my latest and greatest for the ages. World, here I come!
October 17th, 2008. (4 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben
The new jumper is really great, but I haven’t yet figured out how… to …. turn…. a…. round…. I have to keep an eye on those Mommy and Daddy people after all.
There we go. Oh, wait… I guess it wasn’t me that turned around was it? On a different topic… Ummmm… what’s this shiny thing here?
September 23rd, 2008. (3 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben
M&D have gone all out! And this time I think they’re going to let me keep it! It’s my new Rainforest Jumperoo! All the colors and sounds! And it lets me stand (if my legs were just a couple inches longer) and bounce!
In case that last picture didn’t convey the enthusiasm, let me repeat: Yay!