Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Snake Charmer

June 13th, 2009. (12 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Here I am, once again making my contribution to the world of fashion.

Today’s tots yearn for simple lines and bold colors, but with a tie back to their parents’ and heritage.  Thus, I present the amazing featherless feather boa!


Bold, masculine colors, yet soft feminine curves!  Austere, but cute!


No child should be without this must-have go-anywhere accessory!

Race Training

May 17th, 2009. (11 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

I heard that Grandpa is coming to visit and to race his car.  I thought I could show him a thing or two as I’ve been practicing for the last month.  Check out these qualifying laps!

(Ed. Note: Perhaps Ben is showing Grandpa a thing or two not to do!)


April 26th, 2009. (10 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Hi everyone.  I hope you enjoy the movie!

Pulling Up Lesson

April 15th, 2009. (10 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

I’m thinking of starting a self help series for other kids.  To that end, I’ve developed some sample curricula to beta test the idea.  This lesson is a mid-level lesson on “Pulling Up”.

Try it out, and tell me what you think!

Step 1: Get up on your knees, and look around to see if this is your best option for pulling up.


Step 2: If you locate a better option, get down and start making your way for it immediately.  The best options are Mommies and Daddies, and they’re mobile, so move quickly!

Notice that I maintain eye contact in order to “stun” my target and keep them from moving away while I’m approaching.


Step 3: Final Approach.  This is the part where you give your victim target one last look to assess good grab-on points.  Also, it is good to ensure that your target is not moving, or you could be in for a bumpy ride.


Step 4: Pull Up!  Grab, pull, and step.  Making entertaining buzzing noises earns you bonus points!


Step 5: Smile!  This step is often overlooked by amateurs, but I’ve found that it pays back over the long term by helping you to acquire Mommy and Daddy targets in the future.


M&M Encounter

April 5th, 2009. (10 months old.) by ben

Yesterday, M&D gave me a bag of M&Ms to play with while they were putting the groceries away.


Unbeknownst to them, the plastic bag was no match for my my brand new super sharp teeth!

I went to work immediately!




When I saw them looking, I was careful to look like I was only casually gnawing…


… and to give them waves and big smiles to throw them off…









That should be enough cute distraction!








And when M&D finally figured out that I’d been tasting the M&Ms, this is what they were left with:


I thought if I drooled on every one, that this established my claim on them, but M&D thought differently.  No fair!


After my sugar rush, I crashed to sleep rather suddenly…

What a great day!

(Ed. Note: Now we know how sharp those teeth are!)


February 10th, 2009. (8 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Boy did I have a good time today!  Not only was Daddy home from work today, but Mommy did a great job of capturing my latest and greatest for the ages.  World, here I come!

The “Headshake” Game

January 15th, 2009. (7 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

This is a game I invented on the trip down to LA for Christmas.  Waaaaay fun.

Cirque du Bebé

November 30th, 2008. (5 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

I’m working on my acrobat moves, and dressing funny.  I think that’s pretty much what it takes to be in the circus these days, right?

The “Lunge”:

The “Happy Finish”:

New Jumper!

October 17th, 2008. (4 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

The new jumper is really great, but I haven’t yet figured out how… to …. turn…. a…. round….  I have to keep an eye on those Mommy and Daddy people after all.

There we go.  Oh, wait… I guess it wasn’t me that turned around was it?  On a different topic…  Ummmm… what’s this shiny thing here?

New Toy!

September 23rd, 2008. (3 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

M&D have gone all out!  And this time I think they’re going to let me keep it!  It’s my new Rainforest Jumperoo!  All the colors and sounds!  And it lets me stand (if my legs were just a couple inches longer) and bounce!

Rainforest Jumperoo

In case that last picture didn’t convey the enthusiasm, let me repeat: Yay!

Ben Smiling in Jumperoo

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