Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
Instructions not included…

Walking and Chewing Gum…

September 20th, 2008. (3 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

…is what I’m working up to when I’m Smiling and Holding My Head Up as you see here.  Multi-tasking, here I come!

Do Over

August 25th, 2008. (2 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

You know how sometimes the picture gets taken at just the wrong time?  I think must be what happened here.

Where’s the picture right after this of me smiling happily?  Ummm… I think it got lost.

Smile Training with Mommy

July 31st, 2008. (1 month, 4 weeks, 2 days old.) by ben

Recently, Mommy and I spent some quality time working on smiling, which I’m getting better and better at.

It makes Mommy really happy when I get a good smile!  (Just call it another tool in the toolbox for wrapping Mommy (& Daddy) around my (very) little finger…)

List of Grievances

July 27th, 2008. (1 month, 3 weeks, 5 days old.) by ben

I’m 8 weeks old today, and I’d like to file a list of grievances.  Things around here just aren’t keeping up, and I want to make this known so somebody can do something about it!

  • I used to be continuously fed, now I only get fed every two or three hours!
  • I used to be kept at the perfect temperature all the time.  Now it gets warm and cool and I have to wear clothes – which get wet and smelly sometimes (for some reason), and then they have to get changed.  What is up with this big step backwards?
  • I get ouchie gas bubbles and have to be burped – that didn’t used to happen.
  • I get smelly in the “southern region” all the time – that didn’t used to happen either.
  • These strange five fingered clubs go on hitting rampages with alarming frequency and pummel me about the face and neck.  Can somebody stop this madness?
  • Ummm… No teeth!  Can somebody please tell me where my teeth are?
  • Same for kneecaps!  How am I supposed to walk with no kneecaps?

I plan to keep complaining until these things get fixed!

Conservation of Cuteness

July 20th, 2008. (1 month, 2 weeks, 5 days old.) by ben

People are always telling me how cute I am.  All the time.  It never stops.  So I started to wonder, how is it that I’m staying perpetually cute?  Doesn’t nature abhor a vacuum?  Shouldn’t my stand-apart cuteness be equalizing with my environment?

Well, I’ve developed a theory to explain this discrepancy: The Conservation of Cuteness.

This is how it goes.  Every substance has a certain amount of cuteness in it – its cuteness quotient – some more and some less.  Hello Kitty and baby bunnies have a high cuteness quotient, and…, well, let’s just say that Courtney Love rounds out the other end of the spectrum.

Now, breast milk isn’t particularly cute, but it does have a a non-zero cuteness quotient.  And I think we can all agree that it is cuter than what comes out the other end (Ed. Note: Yes, I think we can…).

Therefore, I’m a little cuteness filter, taking in as much or more cuteness than I give out (some is also radiated), which explains everything.  In short, pooping un-cuteness makes me cute!

I’m ready for my Nobel Prize in Perceptual Physics now!

Bath time

July 18th, 2008. (1 month, 2 weeks, 3 days old.) by ben

One of my favorite parts of getting a bath is my hooded alligator towel.  Lately I’ve been enjoying my baths and not crying at all when taking them.  Just wait until I figure out how to splash the water! Then things will really be fun!

Instructions Not Included

July 4th, 2008. (1 month, 3 days old.) by ben

Of course, my engineer parents just dove into raising me – they must have thought that they would just figure things out as they went along.  Well, after a month they still haven’t figured me out, so they went looking for the manual…

… Denied!  (Ed. Note: What kind of a shoddy supplier wouldn’t include the instructions?  Ummm… don’t answer that question…)

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