June 12th, 2013. (5 months old.) by andrew
And very happy about it!
(Ed. Note: Andrew is really coming along. He’s grabbing stuff and learning to roll over. He likes returning smiles he gets. I can even get him giggling if I try hard enough!)
Posted in Firsts, Milestones |
May 30th, 2013. (4 years, 11 months old.) by ben
This week I graduated from the Penguin class. We had all the Mommies and Daddies come watch us sing some songs we’d been practicing.
At the end, they called each of our names, and we each got a bag with a “diploma” in it. Then there were snacks outside!
Posted in Milestones, School |
April 12th, 2013. (3 months old.) by andrew
Well, it was bound to happen! And I thought I’d throw in a smile for Mommy to celebrate the occasion!
Posted in Cuteness, Milestones |
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January 29th, 2013. (2 weeks, 3 days old.) by andrew
I’m growing up!
I’m just like the big kids now!
Posted in Milestones |
August 25th, 2011. (3 years, 2 months old.) by ben
My buddy Shannon and I have moved up to the Otter Room at BCC.
They have lots of new toys and activities like this two story climbing tower! The Otter room is going to be fun!
Posted in Firsts, Friends, Fun, Milestones |
June 26th, 2011. (3 years old.) by ben
I’ve had my new bed for a couple of months now, and I’m getting quite comfortable with it. Me and Lightnin’ Lightning and I are real buddies now. My crib has been moved out! So long, bars!
Now that I’m 3, I’m also old enough to wear underwear and use the potty!
Posted in Milestones |
June 5th, 2011. (3 years old.) by ben
I turned three this week, and to celebrate, we had cupcakes. And being three means I’m old enough to know not to grab the candle while it is burning!
Grandpa Stark came up with David for the big occasion. I know that the race weekend thing was just a cover story because nobody would actually want to drive in the rain. Right?
Grandpa brought me this very cool lawnmower. I’ve very good at getting the wrapping paper off of presents now that I’m three.
Grandpa did make good on his cover story, and I was there to see him. I cheered for him and waved as he sailed down the straightaway.
Grandpa takes good care of his fans, and he came through with a bag of cookies for his most dedicated fan. (Did I mention it was raining?)
Of course, I made sure to find my own car to drive, just like last year.
Later, Grandpa and I had some quality Stark bonding time playing with his fancy phone. What can I say, it’s in the genes!
Posted in Family, Milestones, Toys, Visits |
March 5th, 2011. (2 years, 9 months old.) by ben
Lately I’ve been going pee pee on the potty! M&D made a sticker chart for me, and every time I go, I get a sticker! Also, I can watch videos while I wait for the pee pees to come. This potty thing isn’t so bad.
Posted in Firsts, Milestones |
August 23rd, 2010. (2 years, 2 months old.) by ben
Today is my first day as a Panda at BCC. The Panda room has lots of neat toys and even has two small birds! I got to wear my special panda hat to orientation last week. Being a Panda is going to be fun!
Posted in Firsts, Milestones |
June 1st, 2010. (2 years old.) by ben
Today is my 2nd birthday! Yay! Take a look at my stylish new crab jammies from Cousin Kristine! Thanks, cuz!
And Auntie Linda got me this neat wooden toy crane. Way fun! I think being 2 is going to be a blast!
Posted in Fun, Milestones, Toys |