Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Trader Joe’s

October 24th, 2010. (2 years, 4 months old.) by ben

I like Trader Joe’s. They have shopping carts that are just my size, and M&D let me help do the shopping.

Watching the iPod

October 17th, 2010. (2 years, 4 months old.) by ben

There’s nothing like a little dump truck and garbage truck video watching after your bath to really help you zone out.

(Ed. Note: When did Ben learn to drive the videos on the iPod???  Update: Yes, we’ve read about toddlers and iPods…)

Seals on the Bus

June 27th, 2010. (2 years old.) by ben

Lately I’ve started singing along to some of my favorite songs.  Here, I accompany Daddy on ‘Seals on the Bus’.

My other favorite songs are ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ and ‘Old MacDonald’.

My Favorite Video

March 13th, 2010. (21 months, 1 week old.) by ben

I wanted to share my favorite video with all my readers.

Daddy was nice enough to take me outside to watch while he was filming, and do all the editing.  Now I can watch it over and over (Ed. Note: and over and over) on Daddy’s iPod.


PS: YouTube will let you play this as many times as you want!  Of course, you might have to ask your parents for permission.

Power Tools

January 16th, 2010. (19 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

Recently, M&D got a me-sized table and chairs.  Yay!  And even better, I got to help Daddy feel special by letting him help me put some of the parts together.  (He loves it when I do that.)  Here you can watch us at work.


November 13th, 2009. (17 months, 1 week old.) by ben

As previously mentioned, I get to help around the house by helping with the laundry.  Well, now you can see just how helpful I am!

Walkin’ and Talkin’

October 4th, 2009. (16 months old.) by ben

Watch as I demonstrate my walker driving skills, and then talk about it!


September 27th, 2009. (15 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Now I’m upgrading from the dustbuster to the real mains powered floor cleaning machine!

This patch of floor is now the cleanest in the whole house!

(Ed. Note: Next on the list to teach Ben is how to cover more then just 3 square feet with the vacuum!)

Career Option: Bartender

September 23rd, 2009. (15 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Check out the video!

I think I’m a shoe in for a job on a nice tropical island!

Really Walking

May 24th, 2009. (11 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Enough of the walker already!  I’m ready to be free!  I think my videographer did a good job of capturing how happy I am to be walking on my own.  To Infinity, and Beyond!

(Ed. Note: And no kneecaps required!)

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