Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Following in Ben’s Tracks

October 24th, 2013. (9 months, 1 week old.) by andrew

I followed big brother’s steps, and it worked!  He’s a great teacher.

Here I go!  Eye contact!

Make for the target!

Last check.  Still a go for pulling up!


Distracted… by the shoelaces…

Back on track.  Here I go!

I’m a comin’!

Engage smiler!

Wha..?!!  How did I get here?

Just kidding.  I’m just wondering what the big flashy thing is that Daddy is holding.  Daddy, what gives?  And why aren’t you picking me up?

Tooth sighting!

October 20th, 2013. (9 months, 1 week old.) by andrew

Well it was bound to happen.  Despite my best efforts, Daddy finally got a picture of my tooth, thus proving its existence to the world.  (He apparently knew about it after I bit him the other day.)

One down, twenty to go!

(Ed. Note: Welcome to the tooth-havers club, Andrew!)

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