August 19th, 2011. (3 years, 2 months old.) by ben
Today was my first visit to the dentist! I brought cuddle blankie, birdy, and cheetah with me to make sure everything would be OK. First we hung out in the waiting room where there were lots of friends (stuffed animals) and a big fish tank.
Then Dr. Hodges called me in to the back where they have the special chairs. He also has a special light, special mirror, and special tooth counter that he was showing me here.
Dr. Hodges was very nice. He looked in my mouth, counted all my teeth, and said everything was OK. Yay!
August 14th, 2011. (3 years, 2 months old.) by ben
Today, I officially started my job as “Helper Around The House”. And what’s even better is I got my very own ID badge! It lets me beep into and out of doors like on the washer and dryer!
August 11th, 2011. (3 years, 2 months old.) by ben
I got to help Mommy make some chocolate chip zucchini muffins the other day. I got to spoon all the batter into the muffin cups. Talk about hard work! But I did a good job and barely spilled any. Which was really good, because that means more muffins! And when they have chocolate in them, you don’t want to mess around!
Recently, I put my street sweeping abilities to the test. I swept up all the stuff lying around in the house, and dumped it all into the back of my sweeper. Boy was this a lot of work!
Last week, Avery and her Mommy and Daddy came to visit. It started with a pickup at the airport.
It wasn’t long before I was giving rides on my trike to my cuz’.
The next day, we went to see the big trees.
Yep. They’re still really big. We had fun collecting sticks.
On Saturday, I took Avery to my favorite park where you can feed the ducks. We found out they like bread better than lettuce… just like us!
After that I got to try out a REAL power digger. With this one, you pull the levers to move the scooper from side to side and up and down, and there’s one to open and close it, too!
And after that it was time for a ride on the train, and then one on the merry-go-round.
Wow, was that a fun day!
On Sunday, Uncle John and Aunt Heather took us to a castle! It had a moat, drawbridge, and what Daddy says is called a “portcullis”, which is a really spiky looking front door. Boy could you see a long way from the top of the castle.
After the castle, it was time for a ride to the park. I went in front so that Avery could follow me because I knew the way.
We mostly went on the slides and bars at the park.
I turns out is is really fun to slide right into the wood chips. The bigger the pile, the better!
After we were done at the park, we got a tow back home up the hill.
Thanks for coming to visit guys! I had a really fun time! Come back any time!
We went to Liz and Derek’s for a Fourth of July BBQ, and they have a Bocce court at their park! I have to say, the adults were having a hard time sharing their Bocce balls, even when they were just lying around like they weren’t using them. Derek says they were playing a style called “Old Italian Rules”. But I have an idea….Maybe next time, we can bring some extra balls and I can plan on the adjacent court with a style called “Three-year old Rules”.
Liz tried to give me some pointers, but the best way to learn is to try it yourself!
I also got to sit in Liz and Derek’s motorcycle sidecar….with a nice stuffed animal that everyone else calls an “Angry Bird”. But if you ask me, I call it a ‘mad chick’!