Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)

Today, Ben is 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 3 days old.

Andrew is 12 years, 6 days old.


My 2nd Birthday

June 1st, 2010. (2 years old.) by ben

Today is my 2nd birthday!  Yay!  Take a look at my stylish new crab jammies from Cousin Kristine!  Thanks, cuz!

And Auntie Linda got me this neat wooden toy crane.  Way fun!  I think being 2 is going to be a blast!

Birthday visit from Ma

May 30th, 2010. (23 months, 4 weeks old.) by ben

Ma came to visit last week to help look after me while Auntie Linda and Uncle Rick are away.  I had a great time seeing Ma and showing her all my toys ‘n’ stuff.

Then, because it is almost my birthday, was sang Happy Day Day and I got to open some presents!

Look!  Ma got me a great looking shirt and shorts (just in time for Summer!), and some new books.

Mixin’ it up with Mommy

May 23rd, 2010. (23 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

Today was Sunday pancake & egg day, and M&D didn’t disappoint.  Even better, I got to help make some of the pancakes.  Mommy gave me my own mixing bowl and ingredients.

Here, you can see my perfectly mixed dry ingredients.

Want to know my secret?  It’s all about height off the floor, which this chair helps me achieve.  You just can’t get this kind of perfection down on the floor.  Ever see a kitchen without counters?  Now you know why!

Now for the final mixing touches, for which I was outfitted with an apron. Something about being “messy”.  Have you ever heard that word?

Mommy did the cooking.  I wasn’t too keen on getting close to the griddle after getting a little too close last time :-(

Alas, my photographer took his break when it was time to eat, so you can’t see how much I enjoyed these yummy pancakes.  Yum!


May 22nd, 2010. (23 months, 3 weeks old.) by ben

I have now discovered how to turn the computer on, so I can play with it whenever I can sneak away from M&D.


Now if I could just figure out the password to log in!

Talkin’ and Drivin’

May 18th, 2010. (23 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

I figure if I keep this up long enough, M&D are obligated to get me a hands free headset, right?  And my birthday is coming up!


Santa Rosa Rose Parade

May 15th, 2010. (23 months, 2 weeks old.) by ben

I was in the Santa Rosa Rose Parade today!  My first parade – and I was in it!

I rolled with the Santa Rosa Mother’s Club.  Here we are before the start – getting psyched up, and of course having some snacks to take the edge off.  Notice the custom mods M&D made to my stroller – I’ve got roses everywhere.


Here’s the stroller’s eye view from inside the parade!  There were lots of people cheering and waving.  Wow!


One day, maybe M&D will have to take me to a parade that I can watch.

My favorite part of the day was seeing all of the fire trucks that were in the parade.  I also got to see my first marching band!

Fire Trucks!

May 14th, 2010. (23 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Auntie Marjorie & Uncle Jeff go me these super-cool fire truck jammies!


I am always very happy to wear them, and I remember to ask for them most nights when I’m getting ready for bed.  “Fire Trucks!”

Gardening with Mommy

May 9th, 2010. (23 months, 1 week old.) by ben

Last weekend, I got to help Mommy plant some onions in the garden.  Mommy makes a hole, and then I put the baby onion in it and cover it up with dirt so it can go to sleep.


Nachos. Mine!

May 5th, 2010. (23 months old.) by ben

Boy, there’s nothing better than an afternoon snack of cheesy chips.  As you can understand, I can be very protective of my tasty snack, especially with M&D reaching in to take some for themselves!


(Ed. Note: Very punny, Ben.)


May 3rd, 2010. (23 months old.) by ben

After the Marilyn Monroe incident, M&D decided that I needed a haircut – my first!

Here I am with my original curly locks:


And here I am now, with my “older kid” haircut.


Do I look 2 yet?

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