Analyzed by Engineers (Ben & Andrew's Blog)
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SunRiver part 3 – Canoeing

July 4th, 2011. (3 years, 1 month old.) by ben

Monday was the big canoe trip.  First, we went for a ride in a big van with canoes on the trailers.  I got to see snow out the window!

Before getting in the canoes, Daddy helped me make the necessary preparations.

Then it was time to get my life vest on and pose for a picture.

After that, the guides (Matt and Chase) told everyone what we would be doing.  I thought I could listen best by getting in the boat and visualizing.

Finally, it was time to leave.  Here we go!

Then it was my turn to paddle.  It turns out that this is harder than it looks!  I gave Mommy her paddle back pretty quickly.

Avery was in her own boat  with Uncle John and Aunt Heather.

Once we got to shore, it was time for a snack.  That stuff that looks like snow in the background…?

… it really is snow!

When we all got back and it was time to get in the vans, I got ready to direct everybody to their seats.  Can you find me?

SunRiver part 1 – Lake Shasta Caverns

June 27th, 2011. (3 years old.) by ben

M&D and I took a trip to Oregon this summer.  It was a long, long drive, but I got to see lots of Ex and PS trucks on the road while we were driving.  I also got to see lots of roadwork up close, including front loaders, dump trucks, excavators, asphalt spreaders, steam rollers, and bulldozers.  For some reason, M&D didn’t take any pictures of those machines, so I can’t show them to you here.

The first real stop on our trip was at Lake Shasta Caverns.  We got to start with a boat ride across the lake, which was the best part of the tour if you ask me!

After the boat ride was a bus ride up the hill.  I directed the bus where to back up and park.

Then we went inside and saw some funny rocks all stuck to the ceiling.  Weird.

After that we stayed in a hotel, and I got to make lots of deliveries with the cart they let me borrow.

The next day was more driving to get to SunRiver.  After going to bed late the night before, I was ready to take a snooze in the car for the last leg of the trip.

Next up: SunRiver!

Santa Rosa Rose Parade

May 23rd, 2011. (2 years, 11 months old.) by ben

There was a lot of waiting after we got there before the parade started.

But then, I got to carry a sign!

And I had fun marching with the band…

and after the parade, I got to watch the fire trucks with M&D.

Grandma Harris also came to visit, and walked in the parade with us.

Later, we helped Mommy with the gardening and I got to use my new gloves,

which I really needed after getting a big big big splinter in my finger:

(Editor’s Note: Thanks for Grandma for providing some of this weekend’s pictures!)

Cheese is Grate!

March 20th, 2011. (2 years, 9 months old.) by ben

I still like helping M&D in the kitchen.  Especially when it involves cheese.  And really especially when I get to eat some of that cheese.  Mmmmm….

Can you believe Mommy lets me use the cheese grater?

Christmas 2010 – Part 3

January 23rd, 2011. (2 years, 7 months old.) by ben

After a fun time at Grandpa and Nana’s, it was time to go a see Ma and Pa again.

The first stop was the big party at Aunt Danee and Uncle Tommy’s!  I got to see Aunt Liz and Uncle Ryan and they got this really neat airport book for me.  I had fun reading it to just about everybody. Aunt Liz must have been like me when she was little because she was a good listener.

Aunt Danee got some blocks for me and Avery to play with.  (Ed Note: “…with which we could play.”… Sigh.)

It was a great party Aunt Danee and Uncle Tommy!

Later, we got to open even MORE presents at Ma and Pa’s house.  As you can see, by this point, I had really figured out what to do with wrapped presents.  M&D are saying they hope I can learn to read the “name tags” soon.  I wonder what that means.

We went to the park by Ma and Pa’s and Pa and Uncle Ryan helped me climb this big tree.

Later, Pa showed me the finer points of raising cacti… like “don’t touch”.

And, of course, Ma and Pa’s house provided a great view to help me and Mommy ponder then meaning of it all.  For example: What is Christmas?  And why can’t we have it every month?

When I figure out the answer to these questions, you’ll hear about them here!

Christmas 2010 – Part 1

January 4th, 2011. (2 years, 7 months old.) by ben

Well!  M&D and I are back from another trip to “So Cal”.  I had a great time visiting everyone, and finding out all about CHRISTMAS!  Wow!  Everybody has these things called ‘presents’ that they give you.  The ‘presents’ have wrapping paper around them, and while sometimes when you take the paper off they have clothes in them, lots of times they have TOYS!

Our first stop on the trip was to see Grandma and Grandpa Harris.  When we got there, they had made a big FORT for me to play in!

They also got me a digger…

… and Thomas!  Grandpa Harris showed me the ropes.

Then later, he showed me his real truck with the lift gate.  I got to (try to) lift up Daddy by turning the crank.  Boy is Daddy heavy.  It was much easier to lift the gate when Daddy wasn’t standing on it.

I also got to sit in the truck…

… and drive it all over with Grandma and Daddy.

Later, we went on a walk around the neighborhood, and one of the neighbors has their own castle!

I got to climb up in it and play all I wanted – until it got dark.

This is a visit I won’t soon forget!

M&D?  Can we have a castle, too?

Flashback: Gardening with Mommy

December 25th, 2010. (2 years, 6 months old.) by ben

Here’s a flashback to this past summer where I was helping Mommy plant the herb pot.

2010 Family Photos

December 1st, 2010. (2 years, 6 months old.) by ben

Once again, M&D took me out to have our pictures taken with Jeneanne.  This time we went to Spring Lake where I saw a lizard:

went swinging out on the dock:

looked for fishies in the water:

and practiced my boo boo face.

Oh, and I took some smiling pictures with M&D, too:

Ed Note: All photos by Jeneanne Ericsson.  Thanks Jeneanne!

Dr. Ben

November 20th, 2010. (2 years, 5 months old.) by ben

It was time to give M&D a checkup, so I got out my doctor kit to get started.  First up, Daddy:

I started by listening to the heart and lungs with my steth-o-scope.

Then it was time to check out Daddy’s ears.  I thought I would see if there is something wrong with his ears since he doesn’t always do what I tell him.  Maybe he just can’t hear me?  Turns out there was ‘food’ in there!  Maybe he’ll be able to hear me better now!

Next up was Mommy.  She got a blood pressure check…

… an ear exam…

… and I listened to her chest, too.

Overall, M&D are in pretty good shape.  Not bad after over two years of taking care of me!

Trash and Sprinklers

November 8th, 2010. (2 years, 5 months old.) by ben

Sometimes I get to help Mommy put the trash cans out on the curb before the garbage man comes to pick them up.

This is the best way to make sure that the garbage man stops at your house so you can watch him!

And I always like to make sure that the sprinklers go down, which can involve much running!

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